Help us build community wealth in Preston

What is a co-op?

Cooperatives are a tool for organising groups of people, to meet their needs in a fair and democratic way. There are over 3 million cooperatives globally, employing 280 million people and supporting over a billion people. 


Cooperatives come in all shapes and sizes, the largest such as:  IFFCO serving 50 million farmers in India and Crédit Agricole, a global Bank with a $89bn turnover. Or smaller, more local businesses like our own Preston Digital Foundation, a worker owned tech business and The Larder a Community owned Cafe on Lancaster Road.


There are 7,000 cooperatives in the UK meeting the needs of over 14 million members. We want to create a thriving cooperative sector in Preston to grow our economy, create better jobs and meet our local communities needs.


If you want to start a business or bring together a community to meet their needs, and you want to do it in a fair and democratic way, talk to us.


We can help you turn your idea into a reality .

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